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Maven Sonar SonarQube source code analysis logs Microsoft Html Aspx Css W3C
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Scan2Fix4Stt the microscope for the Stt logs on eCommerce web sites A powerful capacity to rapidly detect defaults on Microsoft Stt frontends thanks to Scan2Fix4Stt, a configurable engine plugged to Sonar dashboard
Scan2FixJava the java source code analyzer
Scan2Fix4Aspx is the engine to reveal the internal quality of Web site easily !
Scan2Fix4Csh the Microsoft C# source code analyzer
A new rule base, a customized version of an analyzer. All the Scan2Fix products can be adapted to specific needs (special project rule base, customized interfaces, connectors).
Scan2Fix4Iis the microscope for the IIS logs on eCommerce web sites A powerful capacity to rapidly detect defaults on Microsoft IIS frontends thanks to Scan2Fix4Iis, a configurable engine plugged to Sonar dashboard